Low Sex Drive 

The #1 frustration among women is decreased libido or no desire.  If you have low sex drive, you can gain a better understanding of general health through Sexual Wellness Coaching.

​​"Our sexual health is just as important as our physical health"

Take Charge

Together we can develop a plan to reignite the passion and desire and ultimately take charge in the bedroom, in relationships or gain a healthy understanding of personal sexual experiences.

Spice It Up

It's natural to feel less-than-excited about sex sometimes. Sexual Wellness Coaching can help to increase your sex drive naturally.

Enjoy Sex Again

Focus on sensation and pleasure along with learning to be intimate without sex. Rediscover sexuality, sensuality & health.

Sexual Health and Wellness Coach

"Live life to the fullest, love the people you're around and show positive energy in everything you do! Be a good human & spread kindness!" -Jamie

Jamie Harris

Jamie is a certified life, wellness and sexual health coach bringing knowledge, understanding, empowerment and education to clients through individual coaching sessions since 2005